Of course Abu Dhabi has a gold-dispensing ATM

Dispensing gold bars and coins, the brainchild of a German entrepreneur is the first international machine to be unveiled in the nascent "Gold to Go" brand.

Ex Oriente Lux/AP
Thomas Geissler, the CEO of Ex Oriente Lux, left, and an Emirati official remove the cover of an ATM-style kiosk which monitors the daily gold price and offers small bars up to 10 grams or coins at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi, on Wednesday, May 12. It's the idea of a German entrepreneur, Thomas Geissler, who began testing the cash-for-gold machines in his native country in 2009.

Right on time, a luxury hotel in Abu Dhabi unveils an ATM that dispenses bars of gold for cash you feed into it. The machine monitors the price of gold on a minute-by-minute basis...just like that know-it-all uncle of yours does - the one with the coins and the collection of conspiracy theories about fiat currencies.

Who built this bad boy?

From USA Today:

It's the idea of a German entrepreneur, Thomas Geissler, who began testing the cash-for-gold machines in his native country in 2009. The Abu Dhabi debut on Wednesday is billed as the first international foray for Geissler's "Gold to Go" brand.

Cool. Now make it dispense silver and platinum and you could start putting these machines in every Fidelity and Schwab branch in the country.

Well done.

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