Bruce Springsteen, Occupier
I'm one of those people who can appreciate the music for the music and not get too excited or upset by the message if I don't agree with it. That's why I have a record collection that ranges from Rage Against the Machine (Leftist anarchists) to Rush (dyed-in-the-wool Objectivists - they're like Ayn Rand with percussion).
We'll see how Bruce Springsteen's boomer fan base, many of whom have done quite well for themselves since the late 1970s, cottons to his forthcoming release, said to be an economic unfairness rabble-rouser of an album...
From the Huffington Post:
The Boss has your back.
Bruce Springsteen, the blue collar poet laureate who has spent much of his forty year career singing about and for the working class men and women he grew up with in New Jersey, is said to have recorded a new album with the E Street Band that focuses squarely on the hard times being felt nationwide.
"He gets into economic justice quite a bit," a source with knowledge of the upcoming album told The Hollywood Reporter. "It's very rock'n' roll. He feels it's the angriest album he's ever made. Bear in mind, though, that [Springsteen] wrote and recorded the majority of the album before the Occupy movements started, so he's not just setting headlines to music."
Though he has not played an active part in the protests that broke out last fall, Springsteen has long emphasized the struggle for economic fairness in his songs.
I'll probably buy it.