All The Simple Dollar
- Save with warehouse shopping
When you’re buying in bulk, savings per unit adds up to a lot of money, Hamm writes.
- The art of the to-do list
A step-by-step walkthrough of Hamm's system for managing all of the tasks of a person who manages a fairly complicated schedule.
- What to do with a windfall
What's the best use of money you have inherited, whether it’s from a deceased relative, lottery or gambling winnings, or some other source? Hamm writes that the first and best option is to pay off debt.
- Host a 'cook ahead' party with friends
There are big advantages to cooking and freezing meals in advance, but the process can take up a major chunk of your weekend. Why not turn it into a party?
- Save money with customer reward programs
Customer rewards programs often translate into pure savings if you’re careful with the programs, Hamm writes.
- Be smart about Hurricane Sandy relief
Hamm offers some tips for donating to Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, as well as other links, in his Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup.
- Don't let expenses obscure what's important
When your spending choices put the things you care most about in jeopardy, you feel it in unexpected ways all throughout your life, Hamm writes.
- Scour the web for savings
Sites like Craigslist and Freecycle are great resources for finding deals, Hamm writes.
- Shopping is not a solution to boredom
The first step you can take toward getting your spending under control is to let go of the idea of shopping as entertainment, Hamm writes.
- How to budget entertainment spending
There is a happy balance to be found when it comes to hobby and entertainment spending, Hamm writes.
- Buy in bulk with friends
Bulk buying can save you a lot of money, but if you do it with a friend, you can both save without having a ton of storage space, Hamm writes.
- Share little-used equipment with friends and neighbors; save money
Many of us have peices of equipment, like printers and gardening tools, that are helpful to have around but not used very often. Why not save a little money by splitting the cost and use of those items with someone else?
- Trade skills with your friends
Chances are your friends have a wide variety of skills that you may or may not have, Hamm writes. Why not save money by exchanging skills like computer repair and plumbing with your friends?
- How Facebook can save you money
Social media networks can provide a wealth of useful, trustworthy information that can help you make smarter purchases, Hamm writes.
- Block parties: A free, fun way to meet your neighbors
Planning a block party isn’t hard, Hamm writes, and it also doesn’t have to cost you much at all.
- The low-cost joy of playing (or watching) sports
Sporting events can be a great gateway to inexpensive social activity in many different ways, Hamm writes.
- How a book club can save you money
A book club provides value in many different aspects of life while costing next to nothing. If you have any interest in reading, look for a book club in your area. You’ll be glad you did.
- Youth volunteering is well worth your time
Almost every youth activity out there suffers for lack of volunteers. Taking part is a small time commitment that reaps big rewards.
- The 401(k): an introduction
The term is thrown around all the time, but what really is a 401(k) plan? Trent Hamm explains.
- Game night offers a low-cost evening of laughs
Game nights are really just an excuse to spend an evening with friends gathered together socializing without spending much money at all, Hamm writes.