Letters to the Editor

Readers write about a return to a gold standard, suppressing piracy through rule of law, how a tax on gas would help the Big Three automakers, and why California's Prop 8 should be reconsidered.

Return to the gold standard would stabilize US economy

In regard to the Nov. 17 Opinion article, "Forget Bretton Woods II – we need a gold standard": I completely agree with this commentary. Gold is a durable precious commodity that protects its value because its quantity is not subject to whim or vote. It is not possible to pretend there is more than there physically is.

Wealth must be produced before it can be consumed. Just as you cannot create food by eating, you cannot create wealth by spending. Using gold as the standard grounds economics in objective reality. Gold stands as a physical protector of its own value.

Kevin McAllister
Abington, Pa.

Author Walker Todd is absolutely right. Restoring monetary stability should be the biggest issue of 2009. Forget about redistribution of wealth, bailouts for losing firms, and all the other political chatter. Our unsound monetary system has done the nation untold damage by causing the boom-bust cycle and enabling unchecked federal spending. Most politicians are opposed to the gold standard – and that is precisely why the American people should demand it.

George C. Leef
Raleigh, N.C.

Stop piracy by enforcing the law

Regarding the Nov. 19 Opinion piece, "To turn the tide on piracy in Somalia, bring justice to its fisheries": Piracy is not caused by disgruntled fishermen. Millions of people around the world struggle every day to make ends meet and face fierce competition in doing so. Often we find that we have to work harder or that we earn less than other, less scrupulous individuals and organizations. Yet the vast majority of us do not turn to armed robbery and murder.

While there are real concerns regarding both its methods and its ultimate intent, the fact of the matter is, the Union of Islamic Courts suppressed piracy during the period it controlled the Somali capital. This is how one prevents crime: by enforcing the law.

Neil Moffett
New York

Tax gas to help US automakers

In regard to the Nov. 19 Opinion piece, "Road map for the Motor City": In this commentary, author Mark Lange left out the most important component of a viable, long-term "fix" for the Big Three automakers: a price at the gas pump that is taxed sufficiently to pay for our energy security, road and bridge infrastructure, research and development of petroleum-independent cars and trucks, and efforts to curb greenhouse-gas emissions. We need a higher gasoline tax now. Smart people like Mr. Lange should not be coy about this fundamental market failure that has left our auto industry with vehicles it cannot sell.

Jim Lemon
Vienna, Va.

Prop 8 must be reconsidered

Regarding the Nov. 14 Opinion piece, "California's same-sex marriage case affects all of us": Most amendments increase, rather than restrict, individual freedom. An exception was the 18th Amendment, which was repealed by the 21st Amendment. California's Proposition 8 should be declared unconstitutional because it should have been presented as a revision, not an amendment. It should have been first considered by the state legislature with a two-thirds vote before presenting it to the public as a proposition.

Henry Rutledge
Fair Oaks, Calif.

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