Letters to the Editor
America should not rejoin the UN Human Rights Council
In regard to the Dec. 10 Opinion piece, "Obama's moment on human rights": Author Iain Guest urges the president-elect to "make joining the UN Human Rights Council a priority." This position defies reason.
The Human Rights Council is beyond repair, and the United States rejoining it will do nothing but stir up the hot air. This is obviously not the forum to address the horrible human rights abuses committed by some of its very members, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
We should leave the human rights battles for the nongovernmental organizations that publish annual lists of malefactors. Publicity is the best tool we have in this battle. We can only shame the tyrants; nobody is ready to take them on militarily.
This is a well-intentioned, but misguided idea. Let us not waste Mr. Obama's time with it.
Laina Farhat-Holzman
Aptos, Calif.
Greyhound racing is a dying industry
Regarding the Dec. 11 Opinion piece, "How we finally won the ballot question on greyhound racing": Kudos to author Christine Dorchak and all those caring people who did not allow the campaign to outlaw greyhound racing in Massachusetts to fade away.
The greyhound racing industry is dying. Since 1991, 27 tracks in the US have closed. All over the country, the public no longer wants to support an industry that treats greyhounds as if they are equipment, discards those who don't make the cut like trash, and subjects these gentle, sociable animals to a life of servitude and misery.
The people of Massachusetts have made their opposition to this cruel industry loud and clear. It is time for elected officials everywhere to ban this shameful "sport" once and for all.
Jennifer O'Connor
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Norfolk, Va.
US must do what is right on Turkey
In regard to the Dec. 8 editorial, "The US road through Turkey": How can we be partners with a country that has illegally occupied part of another sovereign country (Cyprus) for more than 30 years? It seems Turkey wants to assist in the region, but is unwilling to solve its own issues.
US support for these kinds of regimes for its own good is why so many people distrust the US.
It is time for the US to stop thinking of what is "good" for it and start thinking along the lines of what is "right" for the US. The current financial picture is a reflection of this "good" versus "right" mentality that existed among the financial institutions that created the mess.
Chris Pavlou
Norristown, Pa.
US caused its own troubles
In regard to the Dec. 9 editorial, "Obama's dependence on China": I find it fascinating that we would ask China to reduce its savings and increase its spending when it is the Chinese savings that have paid for our government bonds.
I would like to know what part in this trade deficit do American CEOs have? They are the ones who have shipped jobs offshore because of labor costs and at the same time increased their salaries, even when their businesses were going bankrupt.
It was the US desire for economic growth at all costs that caused so many individuals to act unethically. How can the author of this commentary blame China for problems created in this country?
Millard J. Knepper
Palo Alto, Calif.
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