Letters to the Editor

Readers write about President Obama's tone on the economy, why former President Bush deserves some praise, and how London's atheist bus ads give readers food for thought.

President Obama strikes right tone on economy

Regarding the Jan. 14 editorial, "Economy needs a bullish Obama": It will take more than optimistic talk and going shopping to alter the economic climate of the US and the world. Americans for the past 30 years or more have lived the illusion that we deserve and can have more of the world's resources than other people.

We dismantled regulations, encouraged unfettered capitalism and lauded its captains, disdained taxes, let our infrastructure deteriorate, and forgot the less fortunate among us. Along the way, we lost some of our most important life-enriching values.

At this difficult time in our history, I welcome honesty and realism. I don't think most Americans are foolish, but many of us prefer that someone tell us everything will be fine, rather than do the hard work, learning, and critical thinking that is necessary to revive our economy and our sense of justice and goodness. I think President Obama has struck the right note reminding us that we have a difficult and, most likely, long struggle ahead of us.

Barbara Hood
Louisville, Ky.

Congratulations on having the courage to speak forcefully and persuasively in this editorial. A plethora of experts have weighed in lately with opinions and advice for President Obama regarding the economy. However well-intentioned and reasoned this advice may be, the Monitor's editorial rises above the mist to present a clearer and refreshing viewpoint. Thank you for having the courage to remind us – and Mr. Obama – why so many Americans responded to his message and pinned their hopes on him.

Pamela Cook
Piermont, N.Y.

Bush deserves some kudos

Regarding the Jan. 15 editorial, "Judging Bush with a bird's eye": I believe historians should not see former President Bush with a forgiving eye, but should recognize how he maintained the principles he believed in. I am disappointed that the Monitor did not defend Bush, especially in his international efforts. He kept the United States of America safe and he, along with the military, made it possible for Iraq to have a democracy. There is nothing to forgive; we should be acknowledging the good that this president did.

Pamela G. Cadman

Atheist bus ads are cause for thought

In regard to the Jan. 16 article, "As atheists roll out London ads, believers unruffled": I really liked this article. The overview of theological thought on atheism and skepticism was most interesting and gives depth to the news story of the bus ads – a story progression that is not often seen.

I have a master's degree in theology from the 1970s – in those days, we were looking at liberation theology, while the great theologians of the 1940s and 1950s were temporarily passé, at least to us youngsters. Your story has gotten me interested in going back to them. Now that the 20th century has flowed into our extraordinary present times, I think we can really appreciate the value of their thoughts.

Connie McClellan
Portland, Ore.

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