Letters to the Editor

Readers write about religious bullying, why corporations should lead by example, and hydrogen cars.

Religion and politics shouldn't mix

Regarding the May 7 opinion piece, "Religious bullying is a problem around the world": Author Walter Rodgers has caught the essence of most of the troubles in the world today. When religion oversteps its bounds and seeks to become aggressive and superior to others, it has ceased to be genuinely a "religion," the true definition of which is to heal, bless, and help all mankind cope with life's problems.

Henry Rutledge
Fair Oaks, Calif.

Corporations should lead communities by example

Regarding the May 8 opinion piece, "Cut hours, not employees": This commentary makes some very good points regarding the nature of consumerism and how detrimental it can be. However, the piece stresses only the personal benefits one derives from spending more time with one's family, spending more time reading, etc.

Let's assume the average worker makes $10 per hour. If you cut the workday by two hours, that saves the company $20 per hour, $100 per week, and $5,200 per year. Multiply that by a thousand employees, and that's a savings of a half million dollars a year. But what would the average corporation do with that money?

I agree that it's personally beneficial for employees to have more leisure time. But if my company spends that half-million dollars in bonuses to its top performers, instead of spending it to pay off debts or to enrich its community in the form of scholarships or donations to charity, then we're right back where we are now.

"It takes a village to raise a child." By the same token, I would venture to suggest it also takes a corporation's example, and not just that of its employees, to make a real difference in today's economy.

Jennifer R. Ewing
The Woodlands, Texas

Hydrogen cars are best 'green' vehicles

In regard to the May 5 editorial, "A yellow light for electric cars": The ultimate nonpolluting car is hydrogen-powered. Honda is already making one.

Hydrogen-powered cars produce zero carbon dioxide. And the electricity needed to produce the hydrogen can be generated by wind and other nonpolluting sources.

Fred Brown
Palomar, Calif.

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