Trump and religion, summer memories, protect the parks

Letters to the editor for the Sept. 12, 2016 weekly magazine.

Matthew Brown/AP
Mountains surround the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.

Trump and religion

Regarding the July 11 article “Trump as an ‘apostle of affluence’ ” ( This is the best article I’ve read regarding Donald Trump and the religious sector from any news outlet. This is the type of insightful, fact-based reporting discussing religion that the Monitor should do more of.

Elise L. Moore

Nashville, Tenn.

Summer memories

Regarding the July 11 & 18 Home Forum essay “Summer announces itself with a ‘crack!’ ”: Robert Klose is a master at verbal painting! The piece brought back very cherished memories. Although the home I grew up in had the run-of-the-mill aluminum-on-tracks screen door, my grandfather’s house in the mountains did have such a banging wooden treasure like the one mentioned in Mr. Klose’s piece. 

Walking through that screen door and hearing it bang behind me meant homeworkless days, moonlit nights playing outside after a hot afternoon, and hearing my grandfather’s endearment of “sugar” that was voiced often during my stay. I guess the appeal of a banging screen door is all in the eye of the beholder, or should I say, in the ear of the listener!

Lorna Scherff

North Tustin, Calif.

Protect the parks

Regarding the July 25 cover story, “Parks under pressure”: Most Americans would agree that the national parks are a great asset to the United States. They are in trouble because the National Park Service has not been adequately funded for many years. They were created, for the most part, generations ago, when traffic was light, cars were smaller, and the population less mobile. Parking lots and access roads are not equipped to handle today’s load. Congress must step up and deal fairly with our parks. Voters should make sure their representative is on the side of the people and will protect and enhance our “best idea.”

Sam Alessi

Jamestown, N.Y.

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