Readers write: Battle against graffiti, library value, finding truth
Battle against graffiti
Thanks for the March 20 People Making a Difference article “Why graffiti doesn’t last long in this town,” which depicted my fellow graffiti removal artist Alan Erickson. Many of us are not as committed as he is. Still, this will reinforce the good feelings of those who only occasionally repaint a local utility box.
For those wishing to join us, here are a few tips. Wear old clothes. Don’t paint over unpainted bricks; call the property owners about these. Cheap paint can be bought from the “oops” shelf at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or other hardware stores.
Painting over graffiti is best done early on a Sunday or holiday, preferably in summer with a friend in an old pickup. You don’t have to worry about the traffic as much as you repeatedly stop and paint, and you won’t mess up your clean car. Most important, when you are done, reward yourself with a nice breakfast or cup of coffee.
John Stettler
Library value
Regarding the April 14 online article “Why libraries could soon need a national endowment” ( My husband and I were just discussing this and the incredible value public libraries offer. If our society really does embrace diversity and an egalitarian attitude, allowing libraries to make more active contributions could be wondrous. Thanks for discussing this issue. Excellent article!
Micheline Ronningen
Happy Valley, Ore.
Finding truth
Regarding the March 26 Monitor’s View, “Trump and the question of truth” ( This was well written. It helped me to consider the sources and encouraged me to read outside my “bubble.” I have been guilty of not doing that. I appreciate the tone of this editorial and its emphasis on the ability of “the people” to discern truth. The tone is respectful and encouraging.
Mitzi Brister
Stephenville, Texas