Readers write: Growing trend with ‘small living,’ gentle exposure of hatred, humorous author
Growing trend with ‘small living’
Regarding the Aug. 21 Monitor Daily story “Home prices, and a thought shift, give ‘small living’ a boost”: This story definitely shifted my perspective.
A couple of years ago, one of my friends sold his house and his belongings that would not fit in his truck. He now lives “between” the homes of his friends and his adult children.
Before reading this story, I thought this was a one-off situation, but now I see how it fits into a much larger trend.
David Fares
Ballwin, Mo.
Gentle exposure of hatred
Regarding the Aug. 19 online article “The message from a day of protests in Boston” ( I appreciate this article and the careful way the material is covered. The photo gallery was a terrific addition.
While I am so grateful we live in a time in which tens of thousands turned out to protest hate speech, the gentle exposure of hatred from some of the counterprotesters expressed toward the “haters” in this article seems important to me.
We all need to be called on that.
This article shows that it’s definitely time to get very clear about the difference between free speech and hate speech.
I would love to see the Monitor explore what that difference is. Is it possible to have standards for public discourse that everyone can feel included in, if certain guidelines are followed?
Ellen Austin
Corvallis, Ore.
Humorous author
I loved your review of the book “So Happiness to Meet You,” by Karen Esterhammer, which appeared on on Aug. 31.
It was the author’s humor and sarcastic wit that I loved the most. I would have loved to have seen more quotes from her!
Loriann Payne
Colton, Ore.