Readers write: Mosaic nation, intriguing tour, possibilities for every area
Mosaic nation
Regarding the Nov. 27 cover story, “Heartland strong”: I loved this article because it shows the mosaic substance of our nation. So much of what I have read fails to deliver what goes on in the minds of middle-of-the-road thinkers with big ideas. Thank you.
Robert Runo
Chardon, Ohio
Intriguing tour
Regarding the Dec. 18 OneWeek article “Focusing on the ‘herstory’ of Paris”: Now that’s a tour I’d like to take! I am not one to “do” tours, but this article has whetted my appetite, and I’d like to do this one.
Laura Lawrencex
Ashland, Ore.
Possibilities for every area
Regarding the Nov. 20 cover story, “A billionaire’s war on poverty”: This article was so full of wonderful details of George Kaiser’s support for his community of Tulsa, Okla., that I found myself applying these ideas here in St. Louis, Ferguson, and other nearby suburbs of Missouri. I spend time each week in the jail volunteering with a book club, and we use our books to learn how to live better lives and evaluate how good a job our leaders are doing in envisioning a more forward-looking community. Some of Mr. Kaiser’s ideas are ones we sometimes reach for but have not articulated as clearly.
I intend to make copies of this article and take it to our next discussion to see what the prisoners think of it so that we can use it to help solve issues in our community. I have told them that they are the hope of the future of our city, and I think they are beginning to believe me; however, they are grappling with how they can have any individual impact.
I also love your “People Making a Difference” series – it is so fresh and inspiring! Thank you for offering these little gifts of possibilities to those of us living in areas that sometimes feel left behind!
Susie Getzschman
Rock Hill, Mo.