Readers write: Examining Genghis Khan, fishing solution, the power of love, politics insight, solutions in France, reading back to front
Examining Genghis Khan
The Aug. 17 Monitor Daily article “Russia takes a new look at an old enemy: Genghis Khan” was a very interesting history of an area rarely studied in classes.
Robert Guzauskas
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Fishing solution
The Aug. 20 Monitor Daily article “Dogfish for dinner? Going ‘down market’ to save a fishery” was well-written, informative, solution-oriented, and timely. It’s why I read the Monitor!
Elizabeth Shaffer
Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland
The power of love
What an outstanding statement the prime minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, made, which was repeated in the July 30 edition of The Monitor’s View. Ahmed said, “Love is greater than modern weapons like tanks and missiles. Love can win hearts, and we have seen a great deal of it today here in Asmara [Eritrea’s capital].” Wouldn’t it change the world if all leaders followed that.
Diana Virgil
Brownsburg, Ind.
Politics insight
The Sept. 3 D.C. Decoder article “When politics and intelligence agencies clash” was another excellent article by Peter Grier. So well-balanced, intelligent, and informative. Nobody does it better!
Rosalie Dunbar
Dracut, Mass.
Solutions in France
In the Aug. 13 Monitor Daily article “France fights flight to big cities with funds for smaller towns,” it was so helpful to read what France is doing about the desertification of areas outside of urban centers. Thank you!
Kimberly Jansma
Newport Beach, Calif.
Reading back to front
I wonder how many people in your readership start at the back of the publication and progress to the front? It is a habit of mine that started oh so many years ago, when the Home Forum section had those wonderful essays by John Gould, Ruth Walker’s column on word meanings, and the movie reviews. To offset this nostalgic note, I find Melissa Mohr’s column, “In a Word,” and Robert Klose’s contributions on the Home Forum pages to be fine replacements and still stimulate me to start at the back and read forward in the Monitor. Thank you for many years of wonderful reading. I was first introduced to the Monitor by my ninth grade English teacher in 1942, when the paper was so large it was not easy to hold. I am so grateful to her for the following years of pleasurable reading.
Ronald W. McLean
Whitesboro, N.Y.