Readers write: ‘Parasite’ interpretation, global patterns, and more
‘Parasite’ interpretation
Regarding “Where to find ‘truly astonishing’ performances” by Peter Rainer in the Feb. 3 Monitor Weekly: I just saw the film “Parasite” and, like Mr. Rainer, I greatly appreciated the superb acting of Kang-ho Song – it was certainly “a tricky, darkly, comic piece of performing,” as he wrote.
However, I was surprised to see Mr. Song’s character in the movie, Kim Ki-taek, defined by Mr. Rainer as “the corrupt patriarch.” For me, writer-director Bong Joon-ho was highlighting the corruption of the system, in which the vulnerable Kim Ki-taek and his family must struggle to find work. The film seemed masterfully crafted to impel us to give careful consideration to its thought-provoking title.
Kay Weed
Aurora, New York
Global patterns
I greatly enjoyed the news analysis columns by Howard LaFranchi (“Trump and Obama’s shared goal” in the Feb. 3 Monitor Weekly) and Ned Temko (“China rises in the Middle East” in the Jan. 27 Monitor Weekly). I hope you will provide more of their analyses in the future.
James Doherty
Cranston, Rhode Island
Positive news
I am the librarian of our local Christian Science Society, and as such read every issue of the Monitor. I also run a WhatsApp group in which I share positive news with a group of about 20 female friends.
With this in mind, the Points of Progress franchise is a wonderful resource for me – so thank you, and please keep them coming! The Christian Science Monitor is always interesting, giving this Pommy a more nuanced view of the United States – though sadly, our issues are always late arriving here.
Rosemarie Swinfield
Middle East conflict
Regarding the reader letter titled “Cost of war” in the Dec. 23, 2019, Monitor Weekly: I would like to express my opinion on U.S. military involvement in the Middle East. What is the point? Western nations should never have gotten involved in those wars. Of course there is always the question of refugees – we should be willing to accept them, if they are willing to learn the language and become Canadian or American citizens. We do not need oil from the Middle East. Canada and the U.S. have oil and natural gas aplenty, as well as hydropower, wind, and solar.
Glenn Sawyer
Acme, Alberta