This article appeared in the May 09, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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Monitor Daily Intro for May 9, 2017

If there’s a Trump global doctrine, it may not be “America first.” Rather, it might be that a path to peace must be preceded by a show of power.

The latest evidence: Today’s news reports that President Trump is weighing plans to increase the US military presence in both Syria and Afghanistan. Sending more US soldiers to Afghanistan would be a major reversal of former President Barack Obama’s policy of withdrawal from America's longest-running war. Supporters argue Mr. Trump’s move is designed to force the Taliban into peace talks.

It might be too strong to call these steps a “doctrine,” but they are suggestive of a pattern of thought. Trump orders a cruise missile attack on Syria, he says North Korea is "looking for trouble," he threatens to cancel NAFTA, he calls NATO "obsolete" – and China a "currency manipulator." His opening salvos – rhetorical and actual – seem intended to put adversaries on uncertain footing. And then, often, a more moderate position emerges. Understanding the pattern helps reporters, and citizens, not to overreact.

Here are our five stories for today.

This article appeared in the May 09, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 05/09 edition
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