This article appeared in the November 27, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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Monitor Daily Intro for November 27, 2017

We are spending more time with our kids, apparently. That news comes from a survey of 11 Western countries, and the difference is big. The amount of time we spend caring for our children is more than double what it was in 1965, reports The Economist.

Hooray! Right?

Melissa Milkie would disagree. The scientist is one of many who have come to the conclusion that the amount of time we spend caring for our kids is no predictor of anything. “I could literally show you 20 charts, and 19 of them would show no relationship between the amount of parents’ time and children’s outcomes.... Nada. Zippo,” she told The Washington Post in 2015.

So what kinds of interactions do matter? Reading. Family meals. One-on-one conversations. In other words, quality is what counts, not quantity.

Trends evolve, with society arguing over helicopter parenting and mommy wars, but one thing is clear from the research: Genuine warmth and sensitivity aren’t dependent on a clock for validation or effectiveness.

Now, here are our five stories of the day, which look at how standards of fairness, humanity, and decency are being debated and reshaped around the world. 

This article appeared in the November 27, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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