This article appeared in the January 31, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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Heeding the call to transcend our own limits

Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

Why go to the moon? The arguments against it are clear: It’s expensive, and what does it accomplish, besides making scientists happy?

But in a Q-and-A on the subject today, Sarah Matusek finds something important. “I think there’s always value in exploring, and learning something new, and just trying to transcend our limits as a human species,” science journalist Rebecca Boyle tells her.

What if we could make that our aim in all human endeavor – whether in politics, economics, or security? We don’t necessarily need to go to the moon to do that. But sometimes, someone needs to show what’s possible.

This article appeared in the January 31, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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