This article appeared in the September 12, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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Where respect cultivates safety

Clayton Collins
Director of Editorial Innovation

“A tractor is truth.”

That’s something my father – a gentleman farmer, with 13 head of Black Angus out back – used to tell me when I was a kid in Otsego County, New York. The idea, I figured out: Our old Massey Ferguson was a simple machine with not one wasted flourish. Lots of power, though, and a direct line from action to consequence. Like a shotgun, it demanded responsible use. 

Today, contributor Patricia Leigh Brown introduces us to a Nebraska woman who helps instill in young farmers knowledge of tractors and a healthy respect. Can Ellen Duysen’s work curb the kinds of common, serious mishaps that can cut careers short? 

As Ms. Duysen might say, “Heck, yeah.” 

This article appeared in the September 12, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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