The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast

The editors of The Christian Science Monitor take you beyond the headlines with the ideas driving progress in this 15-minute news briefing. The Monitor Daily Podcast is available each Monday through Friday at 6 pm ET. For more information on the Daily or The Christian Science Monitor, visit Send your comments, suggestions or thoughts to

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

In recent days, faced with twin challenges of a pandemic and a record spike in unemployment, some U.S. senators are offering a “let’s solve both” proposal. They urge an expansion of federally funded national service programs, citing big benefits to society as well as to the individuals employed. Also in today’s news: new challenges facing the world’s refugees, the search for a virus’s origins, and a charitable movement around federal relief checks. Join the Monitor's Mark Trumbull and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

“Lord of the Flies” is a classic, bestselling 1954 novel about what happens when British boys are shipwrecked on an island. It paints a dark image of humanity – but what if that cynical narrative is just plain wrong? Also: our five stories, including the resilience of Arab journalists, a prosthetic path to hope in Afghanistan, and the music that uplifts black Americans during a lockdown. Join the Monitor's Dave Scott and Samantha Laine Perfas for today's news. For more information, visit

Monday, May 11, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

You can’t help but be inspired by the many ways people express their determination to sustain their fellow beings in trying times. We explore a few key examples. Also: our five stories, including a look at a Chinese disinformation campaign in Europe, grandmothers taking on Poland's right-wing government, and a grocery worker's account of life in the aisles. Join the Monitor's Amelia Newcomb and Dave Scott for today's news. For more information, visit
A 1,000-year-old mill in Dorset, England, once inspired Thomas Hardy. Today, it’s supplying flour during the pandemic shortage. Also: stand-your-ground laws and Ahmaud Arbery’s shooters; the struggle to determine how immunity to COVID-19 might work; and when we might see a movie in a theater again. Join the Monitor's Peter Grier and Jessica Mendoza for today's news. For more information, visit

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

During the pandemic, people are using windows and yards like a Facebook newsfeed – or bulletin board, for those who remember when every interaction was IRL. Also: lessons on how to handle job insecurity and shortages from Russia’s recent history, the view from New York’s essential small businesses, and the American dream in Guatemala. Join the Monitor's Kim Campbell and Clay Collins for today's news. For more information, visit

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

In the coronavirus pandemic, the economy and human life need not be in conflict. Also: the different ways Texas and California are handling lockdowns, how the world forgot half its workers, and cooking without flour. (Yes, you can do it!) Join the Monitor's Mark Sappenfield and Samantha Laine Perfas for today's news. For more information, visit

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Today, the Navajo Nation has been hit harder by COVID-19 than any other Native American reservation. And many Irish have responded by supporting a GoFundMe campaign that’s raised more than $1.9 million for the Navajo and Hopi nations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Also in today’s news: protecting both meat packers and the US food supply, the value of an online college class, and the rise of reconciliation within families. Join the Monitor's Dave Scott and Rebecca Asoulin for today's news. For more information, visit

Monday, May 4, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

Face coverings, worn out of respect for those who don’t have the luxury of physical distancing, get a lot of creative attention. It’s more than pretty patterns. Tokujin Yoshioka, the Japanese designer behind the 2020 Olympic torch, just developed a free template for a plastic full-face shield. Also in today’s news: Americans’ shifting perspectives on China, the line between expressions of freedom and intimidation, and today’s Supreme Court precedent. Join the Monitor's Clay Collins and Kendra Nordin Beato for today's news. For more information, visit

Friday, May 1, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

COVID-19 forced the cancellation of in-person commemorations of the Elbe handshake: the historic moment when allied American and Soviet soldiers met on a bridge over the Elbe River – cutting Germany in two and signaling the Nazis’ defeat. Also: the racial disparities underlying the pandemic, Joe Biden’s #MeToo uproar, and how a Monitor writer beat COVID-19. Join the Monitor's Jessica Mendoza and Peter Grier for today's news. For more information, visit

Thursday, April 30, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily

A report estimates students are likely to return in the fall, after nearly a half-year out of school, with only about 70% of typical reading progress. The number drops to less than 50% for math. Also: how countries are rethinking relations with China, how to spot fake news related to COVID-19, and what Ramadan looks like when Muslims worldwide are self-isolating. Join the Monitor's Kim Campbell and Mark Sappenfield for today's news. For more information, visit
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