Nintendo Wii games are better than ever
Good news for Nintendo Wii fans: Video games on the popular console are significantly better this year than last, according to an industry survey.
While Xbox 360 games improved slightly and PlayStation 3 titles remained steady, review scores on Wii games increased from an average of 60 to 66, according to Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR).
PS3 performed the best for the second year, hitting 68 percent in both 2008 and thus far in 2009. Xbox 360 ticked up from 66 to 67 percent. Video games as a whole also improved, jumping from 63 percent to 67. These numbers are an average of review scores collected by EEDAR's team.
The Nintendo Wii has had a great year so far. Metroid Prime Trilogy and Guitar Hero 5 both ranked among the system's Top 10 games of all time, according to Metacritic. And this year's Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, Little King's Story, Boom Blox Bash Party, and Punch-Out!! were all big critical successes.
Thinking of buying a Wii? You have nothing to fear, because the Wii is the most reliable current-gen console on the market. A different study showed that the Xbox 360 crashes more than any other system – mostly because of the infamous "Red ring of death."
"By far, Wii are the champions!" wrote warranty provider Squaretrade, who did the study. "Nintendo fans will be happy to hear the study finds Wii is 4x more reliable than PS3 and 9x more reliable than Xbox360." The survey looked at more than 16,000 new systems. Xbox 360s failed 23.7 percent of the time, but are much better since the newest "Jasper" line hit shelves late last year. Ten percent of PS3s bricked. And only 2.7 percent of Wiis died.
Have your systems failed? Are you excited about new Wii games? Let us know below or join the conversation on Twitter. We're @csmhorizonsblog.