Which Sesame Street character should Google use tomorrow?
Sesame Street has gotten some serious Google love this week. On Wednesday, Google swapped out its usual kindergarten-colored logo for Big Bird's happy feet, in honor of Sesame Street's 40th anniversary. (His foreign friends Chamki and Boombah smiled for the Google India homepage. Their clay cousins Wallace and Gromit spruced up the UK Google site that day for their 20th anniversary).
But the festival didn't end there. Cookie Monster gobbled his way onto the homepage worldwide Thursday – munching on Google's name in Australia, France, and here in the states. Today, Google-logo duty fell to Bert and Ernie, who made our list of favorite Sesame Street moments of all time.
Sesame Street's official birthday is Nov. 10, so Google may keep this trend going all week. If they do, whom should the spotlight hit tomorrow? Around the office, we're rooting for Mr. Aloysius Snuffleupagus, or "Snuffy" to his friends. Submit your nomination in the comments section below.