Powerhouse clubs

Döll – Atelier voor Bouwkunst
Hot box: An artist’s sketch of sustainable power for interior designs.

Club hopping is about to get greener in Rotterdam. In September, Club Watt, a dance club in this Dutch city, will open its doors sporting what it calls the first energy-generating dance floor. When dancers start grooving, the kinetic energy from their movements changes colored LED lights in the floor, allowing clubbers to see their energy in action. Dynamos and wheels hidden under the floor capture power from each stomp and hop – generating up to 10 watts of kinetic energy per tile, according to Sustainable Dance Club, an initiative to create ecofriendly clubs around the world.

Dance floors may eventually be able to power components of a club – such as DJ booths, sounds systems, and lights – solely by harnessing the movement and energy created by boogieing patrons. Club Watt’s energy-generating dance floor was created by green-business advocates at Enviu and the sustainable design firm Döll – Atelier voor Bouwkunst.

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