Monitor picks
The Dark Knight
The Batman sequel swings into theaters in midsummer, which gives you plenty of time to brace yourself for a darker, grittier Caped Crusader. The catch? This time, Batman will face off against the Joker, played by a manic – and distinctly ashen – Heath Ledger. Warner Brothers has been careful to control its studio leaks; still, we've seen enough partial Web trailers to be shaking in our Bat boots.
WALL•E, a binocular-eyed robot, spends 700 years alone in a city after an apocalypse. (Will Smith had it easy in "I Am Legend.") Then, to the madcap theme tune of "Brazil," the heavens open and ... you'll just have to see for yourself by viewing the trailer for the new Pixar movie at
In 2008, no one will keep up with the Joneses. Shia LaBeouf is the archaeologist's protégé, Karen Allen returns as Marion Ravenwood (Indy's girl in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"), and Cate Blanchett vamps as a Russian femme fatale. Steven Spielberg's film is set during the cold war freeze of the late 1950s, but it's still a jungle out there. Visit
Mamma Mia!
Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan sing ABBA tunes on the azure Mediterranean. The musical's trailer, at, is right on the Money, Money, Money.
Get Smart
Reruns of "Get Smart," Mel Brooks's 1965 TV sendup of secret agents, were always some of our favorites. Would you believe... that we couldn't be more excited for the big-screen arrival in June, with Steve Carell as the hapless Maxwell Smart and Anne Hathaway as his lethal sidekick, Agent 99? No remake would be complete without Max's shoe phone and the befuddling Cone of Silence. The trailer's at