Top Picks: 'Ocean's 8,' 'Quincy'

The app Nextdoor is a great (and private) way to be in touch with people who live close by, researchers from the long-running British quiz show 'QI' are sharing other interesting facts on the podcast 'No Such Thing as a Fish,' and more top picks.


Dive into ‘Ocean’

Forget Danny Ocean. His sister Debbie is the one organizing high-stakes heists now. Sandra Bullock stars as Debbie in Ocean’s 8, which is available on DVD and Blu-ray. In it, Debbie hatches a plan to steal a necklace that will be worn by actress Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway) at the Met Gala. She’s joined by a who’s who of talent in Hollywood, including Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Mindy Kaling, and Awkwafina.

Fascinating facts

The long-running British quiz show “QI” is made possible by researchers, and the people who do that research are sharing other interesting facts on the podcast No Such Thing as a Fish. Researchers including Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and James Harkin each tell their fellow podcasters one interesting tidbit they’ve run across lately. This one is
best saved for when the kids aren’t in the car. Find it at


Voting push

Samantha Bee, host of “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” on TBS, is looking to get people of all affiliations motivated to vote with This Is Not a Game: The Game. Answer questions about US history and current events and get more lives by agreeing to receive election reminders and other options. (There are also ways to win money by doing well.) The app is free for iOS and Android.

Legendary life

Quincy Jones and his work have become an integral part of American music history, and the Netflix documentary Quincy explores his career and personal life, from working with Dizzy Gillespie, Dinah Washington, and Frank Sinatra to producing Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to composing film scores for movies, including the classic “In the Heat of the Night.” There’s some strong language, but Jones’s memories of American culture are incomparable.


Being neighborly

The app Nextdoor is a great (and private) way to be in touch with people who live close by. Those who join have to prove they live in a certain area, and members can then post about everything from selling furniture to getting to know neighbors after moving in. The app is free for iOS and Android.

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