'House' finale: The fate of the doctor is revealed

'House' came to a close Monday night in a series finale that may divide some fans.

Greg Gayne/Fox/AP
In this image released by Fox, from left, Hugh Laurie, Omar Epps, Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer are shown in a scene from the third season of "House, M.D."

The final chapter of House has been closed with the series finale, and the fate of Dr. Gregory House revealed. After eight years on the air (177 episodes), do you believe that this was a fitting end for television’s famed diagnostician?

Trapped in a burning building, House’s final battle for survival was played out in front of our eyes. With appearances from some familiar faces, both living and dead, it was left up to the famed diagnostician to save himself.

Reliving his final case in his conscience, House made the decision to save himself. Unfortunately, as Wilson and Foreman approached the building, House was engulfed in the flames – OR SO WE THOUGHT.

Taking a note from Sherlock Holmes, it was eventually revealed that House had actually faked his own death. Escaping from the back of the building, House wanted to spend the last remaining months of Wilson’s life with him.

Certainly an interesting ending, though one I doubt many saw coming. With the House series finale preceding a beautiful series retrospective, hopes were high that the series would be ended appropriately – but has it? While certainly the happiest of endings anyone could have imagined for the series, there will certainly be quite a few fans who were looking for more closure than was actually provided. While House certainly grew as this final season came to a close, it could be said that the character didn’t evolve to such a level that a motorcycle ride would be a fitting ending for what we see of the character.

Though the debate my continue for days, there’s only one question left to ask: Was this a fitting end to House?

Carpe diem!

Anthony Ocasio blogs at Screen Rant.

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