'Once Upon a Time' adds new characters for season 2
If you’re not yet hooked on ABC’s triumphant storybook drama Once Upon a Time, you might be now, as the hit action/adventure is overloading its second season with more familiar fantasy faces. Premiering with over 13 million viewers, Once Upon a Time was ABC’s largest debut in five years and the show looks to continue its success with new storylines and characters, including Captain Hook and Sleeping beauty.
Making his enigmatic entrance in the fourth episode of the upcoming season, Hook is described to be a never-back-down pirate that will not stop until his enemies are defeated. Captain Hook hides his malicious intent behind his dashing good looks, classy debonair demeanor and beguiling well-mannered nature. Irish actor Colin O’Donoghue (The Rite) has been cast as Hook, which is set to be a recurring role.
Joining O’Donoghue this season is former True Blood star Michael Raymond-James, who is fixed to play a “mysterious new character” – which is all ABC is giving us for now. Although we are still left in the dark on even the name of Raymond-James’ new character, it hasn’t stopped many from speculating it might be Baelfire, Rumpelstiltskin’s long-lost son who was sucked into a portal from the fairytale world to, presumably, our reality.
Whether or not Raymond-James will be playing Baelfire’s Storybrooke counterpart remains to be seen, but he’s not the first True Blood alum to work his magic on Once Upon a Time – last year Kristin Bauer van Straten (Pam on True Blood) closed the first season as the maliciously magnificent Maleficent, whose evil actions will cause many repercussions throughout this season.
Feeling the burn from Maleficent dragon breath this season are newcomers Princess Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty) and her heroic Prince Phillip, played by Irish actress Sarah Bolger (Game of Thrones ) and Pretty Little Liars star Julian Morris, respectively. Sleeping Beauty is tagged as someone who “could be mistaken for a spoiled rich girl“. Not much is known about her character beyond that – but her handsome Prince Phillip is described as a man who “has been on many long, hard journeys, and is a warrior from a kingdom that is no longer as well off as it once was.”
Sinqua Walls - who currently appears as new werewolf Boyd on Teen Wolf season 2 - will guest-star as the legendary Sir Lancelot. After being banished from the Round Table, Lancelot becomes a sword for hire who is only made more dangerous by the fact he has nothing to lose. Another fabled warrior to appear this season is Mulan, brought to life by Jamie Chung (The Hangover 2). Mulan, who will recur throughout this season, is described as having a “spirituality that enhances her tactical and strategic abilities.”
Branching out a bit more this season, Once Upon a Time will also be adding yet-to-be-cast fairytale characters Aladdin, Jafar, Ariel and Jack. No word yet on how these characters will be portrayed on the small screen, but Jack is expected to be all the Jacks of storybook land, including Jack of and the Beanstalk fame and possibly Little Jack Horner. Also confirmed at this year’s Comic-con – Emma Swan’s (Jennifer Morrison ) Volkswagen bug will not your average car - that’s right he’s Herbie the Love Bug!
Along with new the faces it has been announced that previous guest stars Emilie de Raivin (Roswell, Lost), who had a recurring role last season as Belle, and Meghan Ory (Supernatural) who played as Ruby(aka Red Riding Hood) will both be upgraded to series regulars.
Get your first glimpse of Captain Hook in the sneak peak clip below. Tick tock!:
Scott Stoute blogs at Screen Rant.