Angus T. Jones: Will he be replaced on 'Two and a Half Men'?

Will Angus T. Jones be replaced on the CBS comedy – and do producers already have a new person in mind?

Dan Steinberg/AP
Angus T. Jones called his show 'Two and a Half Men' 'filth' and urged viewers not to watch it.

After a week filled with rants and apologies from series star Angus T. Jones, Two and a Half Men is looking to replace everyone’s favorite “half men” with Miley Cyrus for season 11.

According to CeleBuzz, sources close to the show have said that producers are currently in talks to replace Angus T. Jones next season, calling Cyrus, who appeared in two episodes this year, “the perfect person.”

You can read what the Two and a Half Men insider said below:

There are talks to replace Angus and the perfect person would be Miley Cyrus. The episodes that she appeared on brought in the highest ratings of the season. One possibility is that she could easily be written into the show to go to college.

When she was on set, she was pleasant and very enjoyable to work with. She won everyone over. Now the whispers are growing louder. People involved in the show want Miley to replace Angus.

Now before all the Two and a Half Men fans begin to riot about replacing Angus. T Jones, it should be noted that Jones, who (in)famously called the show “filth” this week, isn’t likely to return for season 11 anyways (his decision). In fact, he actually needed to be coaxed into returning to the series for season 10, which is when he originally wanted to leave.

With Cyrus – who played Missi, a family friend of Walden Schmidt (Asthon Kutcher) – receiving rave reviews for her performance on the show, she’s a no-brainer replacement for the game of “swap the actor” that the series has been playing recently. But is there a point when the Two and a Half Men should just end?

Sure, the series may still receive high ratings, but if Cyrus does replace Jones, Two and a Half Men will be one and a half men down, leaving only Jon Cryer to represent the original “men” of the show. Although there’s nothing technically wrong with replacing cast members, there’s something unnerving about the fact that a show can still remain so successful while replacing much of the cast. Especially when that cast consists of some of the highest paid actors in television.

At this point, there has been no official word as to whether or not Cyrus will, in fact, be replacing Jones for Two and a Half Men season 11. But if it does happen – which is likely – let’s just hope that Jake Harper receives a better send off than his uncle Charlie, who was “hilariously” murdered.

Anthony Ocasio blogs at Screen Rant.

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