Will Felicity Jones star in a new 'Star Wars' movie – and who would she play?

Jones is reportedly in talks to appear in an upcoming 'Star Wars' film. The movie is directed by Gareth Edwards of 'Godzilla.'

Mario Anzuoni/Reuters
Felicity Jones arrives at the 87th Academy Awards nominees luncheon in Beverly Hills, California.

Will actress Felicity Jones star in a “Star Wars” film? 

According to the Hollywood Reporter, “The Theory of Everything” actress Ms. Jones is in talks to star in a movie set in the galaxy far, far away. According to Hollywood Reporter writer Boris Kit, if Jones did come aboard, she would be “the female lead.”

According to Variety, which character Jones would be portraying and any other plot details have not yet been revealed. Gareth Edwards, who directed this summer’s “Godzilla” film, is reportedly directing the movie and Chris Weitz, who penned the screenplay for this March’s “Cinderella” adaptation and wrote the script for the 2007 adaptation of the fantasy classic “The Golden Compass,” is writing the script for the standalone film. 

The movie will be released in December 2016, according to Variety.

A male lead role is also up for grabs, according to the Hollywood Reporter, and the HR quotes “sources” as saying that “Deliver Us from Evil” actor Edgar Ramirez and Aaron Paul of “Breaking Bad” are “on the interest list” for that part.

As for pure speculation on our part, actresses Rooney Mara and Tatiana Maslany were also up for the role for which Jones is in talks. They, like Jones, have brown hair, and so does actress Carrie Fisher, who portrays Princess Leia. That's all we've got.

Comic book fans will remember that Jones was also at one time part of another lucrative fictional universe. The actress appeared briefly in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” as a character named Felicia, which fans will remember is the first name of Felicia Hardy, also known as the villainess Black Cat. According to Reuters, before the release of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” Jones said, “I'm the Goblin's girlfriend – I'm in a relationship with him, and his accomplice. I'm on the dark side.” However, in an interview last month with the website Clevver Movies, Jones said of Black Cat, “If that happened, that would be lovely. There are no plans, but I'd love to play her.”

Meanwhile, Jones is currently in the thick of Oscars season – she’s nominated for Best Actress for her role in “The Theory of Everything,” a biopic about Stephen Hawking and his wife Jane, whom Jones portrays.

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