'Degrassi': How you'll still be able to see the show

A new iteration of 'Degrassi' will air on Netflix in the U.S. It's the newest program to be canceled by a network and picked back up by an Internet-based service.

The N/PR Newswire
'Degrassi Goes Hollywood' stars (from l.) Stacey Farber, Pete Wentz, Cassadee Pope, and Jake Epstein.

It turns out the show “Degrassi” isn’t going anywhere.

“Degrassi: The Next Generation,” which aired on TeenNick and premiered its fourteenth season last year, was canceled last week and will no longer be airing on TeenNick, according to Billboard. But the show has already been saved – according to the Hollywood Reporter, Netflix will premiere “Degrassi: Next Class” in 2016. “Class” will also air on the Family Channel in Canada.

Netflix tweeted about the announcement, writing,

The producers said of “Class” in a statement, “The series strives to entertain its post-millennial audience, while always reinforcing its core principle: You are not alone.” 

The series finale of “Next Generation” will be on TeenNick this summer, according to Variety, and various “Degrassi” cast members will appear on “Class,” according to Entertainment Weekly

“Degrassi” has aired in various incarnations over the past decades, including “Degrassi Junior High” and “Degrassi High.”

The show’s new home reiterates the question, “Is a canceled show really canceled?” More and more shows have found new homes at streaming services over the last several years, from Fox’s “The Mindy Project” moving to Hulu to NBC’s “Community” heading over to Yahoo Streaming and Fox’s show “Arrested Development” also being picked up by Netflix. Not all shows are saved – Fox’s “The Following,” for one, was recently canceled and no news has come yet of it reappearing on a streaming service. 

And it’s not always a total success – reviews of the new “Arrested” season were mixed, with Vulture writer Matt Zoller Seitz writing that “season four of ‘AD’ manages to be true to the spirit of the original while tinkering with its structure, rhythm, and themes” but TV Guide writer Sadie Gennis writing that “the first few episodes dragged… I wanted to love Season 4 as much as I loved the first three, but I'd be lying to myself (and to you) if I ignored its weaknesses,” though Gennis wrote that “after episode 7, ’Arrested’ hit its stride.” New York Times writer Mike Hale also had mixed feelings, writing of the new installments, “Everything feels slowed down and dragged out at the same time that it feels forced and overly complicated… if you truly loved [the old episodes], it’s hard to imagine being anything but disappointed with this new rendition.” 

The new iteration of “Community” has gotten more positive reviews, though, with The Hollywood Reporter’s Amy Amatangelo writing that “everything fans loved about ‘Community’ remains… The show has transferred seamlessly to an online venue” and Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times writing that the show is “the ‘Community’ you may know and maybe love… ‘Community’ continues to achieve a tricky balance of cynicism, sentiment and surreality.”

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