The fast food junkie eats fast food for the sake of convenience – they don't (or can't) carve out the time (or own the tools) to marinate and grill a flank steak. They'll buy frozen pizzas and soda and compare prices on Hot Pockets. These are the people to whom Taco Bell markets a taco with a shell made of Doritos. Fast food junkies most likely don't even care about all the scientific research comparing the nutrition of a poorly made hamburger to an equivalent sized brick of Uranium-238. Some people call them ignorant. They call themselves blissful.
Philanderers have food affairs. To all outward appearances, philanderers are healthy eaters. A glance in their fridge reveals vegetables and organic meat products with nary a gram of fructose in sight. They might even lecture you on the benefits of healthy eating. But their lives are like a bad parody of an Eagles song: Philanderers can't hide their lyin' eyes. Or the ketchup stains on their shirt collars.