Meatless Monday: Carrot fritters
I had a difficulty deciding on title for this post. I'm not sure if these are carrot fritters or little carrot patties. When I think of fritters, I think of a thick liquid type of batter. But then again, someone commented on the Guyanese pancakes a couple of weeks ago and said that they looked more like fritters than pancakes. Oh well, call it what you will.
Recently there was a glut of carrots on the local market, here in Barbados. I did a few recipes for a local publication to encourage people to buy the carrots and do more with them than just steam or make coleslaw or carrot cake.
This recipe was one of those things whereby I just put a little bit of this and that as I went along.
Please, as always, feel free to adapt it to suit your taste.
Carrot Fritters/Patties
Yield: 10 - 12
2 packed cups finely grated carrots
3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs (or substitute 1/2 cup dried breadcrumbs)
1/2 cup mashed potato (optional:I put this in because I had it on hand)
1 egg, room temperature
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro/coriander
Oil for shallow frying
Add all the ingredients to a bowl, except the oil, and mix well.
Form into little patties 2 inches wide, 1/2 inch thick.
Add oil to frying pan and heat on medium heat.
Fry patties until brown and on one side and then flip and cook on the other side.
Drain on a cooling rack inserted into a sheet pan or on paper towels.Serve with sour cream and chives or Greek Yogurt.
Related post: Guyanese Cheese Pies