Brady Bunch reunion: What did 'Greg' say?

Brady Bunch reunion: Three of the original Brady Bunch joined a reunion at the Kings Island theme park near Cincinnati, Ohio, on Sunday.

Three of the actors from "The Brady Bunch" television series returned to Kings Island for an anniversary celebration.

Actors Barry Williams (Greg Brady), Christopher Knight (Peter Brady) and Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady) went to the Cincinnati-area theme park Sunday to celebrate the 40th anniversary of a popular episode of the iconic 1970s TV show.

The episode that aired in 1973 was filmed at Kings Island. The episode entitled "The Cincinnati Kids" involved the family visiting Kings Island so dad Mike Brady (Robert Reed) can present his architectural plans for a new addition to the park.

The three actors entertained park guests during four shows of singing, dancing and anecdotes from the show that ran from 1969 to 1974. They also met fans and sign autographs.

USA Today reported that Barry Williams (Greg Brady) was the unofficial host of the shows Sunday.

 He came out first and introduced the others. He talked about the clips, and he did a little Johnny Bravo. And in truth, Williams remains quite groovy. His skin is tan, his hair is dark, and his pants still fit just right.

And everybody loved it. At the first of four shows Sunday, there was not an empty seat in the 844-seat venue. People who couldn't get into the first show were given wristbands for the second. There were already enough to fill the place for all four shows.

"I think everybody, at some point in their life, wanted to be a Brady," Williamson said, sounding quite reasonable. "Their whole family seemed so perfect. They were so nice. I think it resonates with the child in all of us to want to be Brady."

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

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