Barbara Walters daughter arrested for DUI

Walters daughter arrested for DUI: The adopted daughter of Barbara Walters was arrested Sunday in Florida for DUI. The husband of Jacqueline Walters Danforth is also charged with possession of marijuana.

The daughter of broadcast journalist Barbara Walters has been charged with driving under the influence in southwest Florida.

The Collier County Sheriff's Office reports that 44-year-old Jacqueline Walters Danforth was arrested early Sunday and later released on $1,000 bail.

Deputies reported finding Danforth and a male passenger in an SUV in the middle of Interstate 75 near Naples. Both occupants reportedly had trouble walking.

According to the Collier County Sheriff's Office report, Danforth's Honda Pilot was parked in the middle of I-75 with its lights turned off while drivers came close to hitting it, reports NBC Fort Meyers affiliate WBBH.

A short time later, deputies found Danforth driving slowly near mile marker 107. When they pulled her over she seemed intoxicated and couldn't remember where she was coming from.

Deputies asked Danforth to get out of the car. During that time, they confronted the passenger of the vehicle--her husband, 45-year-old Dennis Pinkham--who deputies say had marijuana in his pocket.

Authorities say Danforth was arrested after refusing a field sobriety test. A breath test given at the jail recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.218 percent. Florida law considers a driver impaired at 0.08. And Pinkham was charged with possession of marijuana.

Walters, who adopted Danforth as a baby, has discussed her daughter's struggles with drug abuse in the past.

Jail records didn't list an attorney for Danforth. Court records show a hearing is scheduled for June 12.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

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