Guy Fieri: Man who stole his car, along with other crimes, gets life in prison

Guy Fieri is a celebrity chef who owns a Lamborghini. A California teenager has been sentenced for stealing Guy Fieri's Italian sports car.

Dan Hallman/Invision/AP
This Dec. 9, 2013 photo shows Food Network star Guy Fieri, right, with comedian Judy Gold as she prepares to taste a plate of latkes at Ben's Deli during a tour of locations for Super Bowl food in New York.

A Northern California man convicted of a series of crimes, including attempted murder and the theft of celebrity chef Guy Fieri's Lamborghini, was sentenced Thursday to life in prison.

Max Wade, 19, had been found guilty in October of attempted murder, vehicle theft and other crimes, the Marin Independent Journal reported. He was charged in Marin County Superior Court as an adult even though he was under 18 at the time the crimes were committed, the paper said.

The life term has the possibility of ending early if Wade is granted parole, but he also faces a separate sentence of 21 years and four months in prison. According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, offenders sentenced to life with the possibility of parole cannot be released until the Board of Parole Hearings determines that the felon is ready to return to society.

Among Wade's crimes was a drive-by shooting that occurred April 13, 2012, in Mill Valley.

Wade was convicted of firing at a truck occupied by two acquaintances — Landon Wahstrom, 18, and Eva Dedier, 17, of San Rafael.

Prosecutors alleged that Wade desired Dedier and was jealous that she was with Wahlstrom.

The investigation of the shooting led detectives to Wade's storage locker, where he was keeping the $200,000 sports car stolen from Fieri, known for his Food Network show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives."

The Lamborghini was taken in 2011 while it was at a San Francisco dealership. It was stolen by a burglar who rappelled from a high window, authorities said.

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