Honesty: A good investment for three N.J. children

Three New Jersey children found $180 in cash and turned it in to police. Six months later, the money, plus a reward, was theirs. 

Three children in southern New Jersey have learned it pays to be honest.

Thirteen-year-old Ricky Cote, his 9-year-old sister, Bella, and 6-year-old brother, Robby, found $180 in cash in a parking lot in Galloway Township on May 31. Their father told them to turn it in to police.

The money became theirs under state law when no one claimed it after six months.

Acting Police Capt. Donna Higbee on Monday reward the children for doing the right thing: Each of the siblings got $100, giant lollipops and some gift cards. Officers and a resident kicked in the extra cash as a sign of appreciation.

“Loose cash lying in the parking lot, not in a wallet or purse, no identification and no one was standing around,” Ms. Higbee said during the presentation. “Being the responsible parent and trying to do the right thing, Mr. Cote immediately crushed their excitement and told them they had to turn it in to the police department.”

Ricky Cote tells The Press of Atlantic City he plans to use the money to buy new wheels for his bike. His brother is looking at new video games and his sister wants some toys.


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