Adam Sandler and his friends crack each other up (but no one else) in 'Grown Ups'
Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, and Rob Schneider are real-life friends. I’m sure that when they all get together they crack each other up.
The question is: Do they crack us up? “Grown Ups” strings these guys together in a movie that at best is irrelevant and at worst is unwatchable.
It’s a clobber comedy with “heart” – not my favorite combo.
Sandler, who co-wrote, if that’s the term, with Fred Wolf, plays a hotshot Hollywood agent who rounds up his old childhood buddies for a Fourth of July weekend in a lake house near their hometown.
The occasion is the death of the beloved coach who guided them to a basketball championship.
With their families in tow, the friends carry on as if they were still back in middle school.
The suffering wives are played by, among others, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, and Maria Bello, and one can see all too well why they suffer.
Grade: D+ (Rated PG-13 for crude material including suggestive references, language, and some male rear nudity.)
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