Redhead Princess Merida is the star of the 2012 Pixar animated film "Brave." Voiced by Kelly Macdonald, Merida would much rather practice her bow and arrow or ride her horse than sit in a dress waiting for a husband, but when she tries to change her life, a spell cast by a witch has unexpected consequences.
Merida is best-known for her dislike of tight-fitting dresses (she struggles with a fancy garment in the film as she tries to fire a bow and arrow) and her wild, curly red hair, so there was an outcry when Disney briefly debuted a new image of the Scottish princess with bigger eyes and a fancier gown. A petition on titled "Disney: Say No to the Merida Makeover, Keep Our Heroine Brave!" garnered 251,000 signatures, and Disney responded by saying the new Merida was a limited-edition image (designed specially for Merida's induction into the Disney princess group) and that the old Merida would be appearing on merchandise as well.