Martin Luther King Day: 10 memorable MLK quotes

Monday is Martin Luther King Day in the United States. The civil rights leader was also one of the most famed orators in American history. Here are a collection of 10 MLK quotes.

8. 'Something he will die for...'

On June 23, 1963, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. led more than 125,000 people on the "Walk to Freedom" down Woodward Avenue in Detroit.

“I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live.” –Detroit

Two months before King delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech, he addressed thousands of activists after a march on Detroit on June 23, 1963. The speech contained a similar refrain that would make “I Have a Dream,” iconic, though the latter had historical and Biblical references that were not present when he spoke in Detroit.

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