On eve of State of the Union: top five presidential orators of modern times

In advance of President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, one author has ranked the top five presidential orators since 1933.

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers an address in the White House in Washington April 28, 1935. For his 'fireside chats,' Roosevelt was actually seated in front of three microphones in a room with no fireplace. (AP Photo)

President Roosevelt's fireside chats helped shepherd the United States through the Great Depression and World War II. In his first inaugural address, he said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," a reinvigorating statement against inaction and apathy in the face of the Great Depression.

Greene credits his use of language, body language, and tone with helping him lead.

"He was just a guy that was so at home," said Greene. “He seemed to love people.”

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