N.C. community college shooting leaves one dead, shooter at large

Wayne County assistant operations manager Daniel Wiggins said 911 received a call about 8 a.m. of an active shooter on campus.

One person was killed Monday in a shooting at a North Carolina community college that was locked down as authorities searched for a gunman, officials said.

"There have been shots fired on the campus of Wayne Community College," said Kim Best, spokeswoman for the city of Goldsboro, where the school is located. "There has been one fatality, and there is one shooter."

The shooter was not in custody, she said. She would not say whether the man was still on campus.

Wayne County assistant operations manager Daniel Wiggins said 911 received a call about 8 a.m. of an active shooter on campus.

Authorities were searching for a white male, about 5 feet, 11 inches tall with a goatee and a tattoo over his eye. Wiggins says he doesn't know what type of firearm is involved.

Nearby, the private Wayne County Day School — with about 300 students in prekindergarten through 12th grade — also was on lockdown, said Melissa Watkins, a volunteer parent receptionist at the school.

"We saw 10 to 11 cruisers go by all at once," she said. "We knew something was going on; we just didn't know what or where."

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