Top 25 International Relations master's degree programs

4. Cambridge - Aberstwyth

Cambridge University

16. Cambridge University Centre of International Studies

(late 1970s;

The centre has evolved from focusing on cold-war-era national security to globalization, opportunities for international collaboration, and leadership.

17. King's College London


The IR program was a new addition to the Department of War Studies, which focuses on understanding war, conflict, and international security.

18. University of California, San Diego, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies


It's the sole program in the US to have a Pacific focus, including Asia and the Americas.

19. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for International Studies


Founded in response to the cold war, it was funded by the CIA in its early years. The goal was to further "social science entrepreneurship" to better understand and respond to world events.

20. Aberystwyth (Wales) University Department of International Politics


It was founded in response to World War I as an attempt to understand the causes of conflict. It claims to be among the first programs of its kind in the world.

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