Five reasons Indian Prime Minister Modi's dinner with Obama matters

President Obama's private dinner with new Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday might will be an opportunity for both Mr. Modi and Mr. Obama to address key issues to both countries. Here are five:

5. The rising Indian-American community

Jason DeCrow/AP
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India is reflected in a glass barrier as he gives a speech during a reception by the Indian community in honor of his visit to the United States at Madison Square Garden Sunday in New York.

It may be hard to imagine a world leader selling out New York’s Madison Square Garden, but Modi did it Sunday – with a dazzling Bollywood-style show at which the Indian leader called on the Indian-American community to help him build a prosperous India. With 20,000 wildly enthusiastic Indian-Americans in attendance, it was reportedly the largest draw ever by a foreign leader in the US.

But Indian-Americans are not of interest to Modi alone. Indian-Americans now constitute the third-largest immigrant group in the US, while the incomes of Indian-American households are roughly double the US average. As a result Obama, too, has an interest – and perhaps with midterms looming, a particular political interest – in reaching the influential group.

So in their White House comments, both leaders are likely to invoke the vital role that Indian-Americans will play in building ties between the two countries.

And, as Modi vaunts the many contributions Indians have brought to the US, don’t be surprised if the Indian leader makes the case for more Americans to take up yoga.

In his UN speech, Modi called on the world body to adopt an “International Yoga Day,” saying more yoga practiced worldwide would be an effective way to address climate change. In the same vein, he may find a moment while in Washington to advise Americans that “changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness,” as he said at the UN, is key to changing the world.

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