Huntsman a spider? 7 politicians with Google problems (besides Rick Santorum).

The moral of the Rick Santorum-Google story shows casual Internet searching without context can be problematic. Here are seven other politicians whose names yield curious search results.

5. A famous trio

Rep. Adrian Smith has probably never done a guitar solo in Congress; Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden has probably never met George Bush.

It may have been cool when they were in high school, but for these congressmen, sharing a name with famous entertainers will do little to promote their platforms or traffic to their websites.

Googling Rep. Jerry Lewis (R) of California leads to pages about the famous comedian. Searching for Rep. Al Green (D) of Texas will generate results about the gospel and soul singer. And looking for online photos of Adrian Smith will get you images for a hirsute guitarist from Iron Maiden, not a button-down Republican from Nebraska.

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