Is Gary Johnson right about shovel-ready jobs? 5 infrastructure challenges.

Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson scored a rhetorical winner by saying that his neighbor's dogs 'have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.' But the one-liner doesn't settle the debate over infrastructure and the economy.

5. What strategies can the US pursue?

Congestion pricing on toll roads or state tolls on interstates are two ways to pay for infrastructure improvements.

One idea pushed by Obama: Set up a bipartisan-run "infrastructure bank," by which the federal government would provide loans to leverage private investment in projects. Of the $60 billion for infrastructure in the president's plan, some $10 billion would provide launch money for the bank.

Building America's Future, which represents bipartisan elected officials, has embraced that idea but also proposes other priorities:

  • Develop a 10-year strategy for the nation's transportation, water, and electric-grid systems.
  • Pass a six-year transportation bill for highway, mass-transit, and aviation needs.
  • Consider raising the gas tax and linking it to inflation. It's not popular, but the tax is a fraction of what other nations charge, the group says, and covers only half the cost of maintaining US roads.
  • Use other creative funding mechanisms, from congestion pricing on busy roads to letting states charge tolls on federal highways that need repair.
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