Chris Christie to propose tax cuts in economic policy speech
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will propose cutting income and corporate tax rates as part of an economic policy plan he'll lay out in a speech in the early-voting state of New Hampshire.
The likely Republican presidential contender will speak at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester on Tuesday.
He's expected to lay out plans to simplify the tax code by reducing the number of income tax rates. That will include proposals to reduce the top rate to 28 percent and cut the corporate tax rate by 10 percent, from the current 35 percent down to 25 percent.
The Christian Science Monitor reported:
The Eagleton-Rutgers poll shows voters’ top concern is taxes (24 percent) and the economy and jobs (21 percent). Bridge-gate enters the mix in issue No. 3 – corruption and abuse of power – at 16 percent. No. 4 is education, at 12 percent.
He's also expected to stress the need to provide more economic opportunities for middle-class families.