Obama's approval high despite Daschle, stalled stimulus, and zombies
You think it's been a rough week for President Obama?
First, three of his nominees to high-level appointments in his administration have admitted tax problems resulting in the early exit of two.
Second, his economic stimulus package has run into opposition making passage much more difficult than he expected.
Third, Obama loyalist Chris Matthews made fun of him last night for using a teleprompter.
Zombie problems
And now he's got to deal with ... zombies?
Well, actually the above photo is a road sign in Austin, Texas that apparently was hacked into by pranksters.
If this were a problem though it would be the first time the White House would have to deal with zombies (not counting Walter Mondale).
Regardless, if you're a news junkie you might think Obama's approval rating would be taking a hit.
Nope. Not at all.
A Gallup/USA Today poll taken Wednesday shows Americans aren't concerned with the issue. They say it's a normal part of governing.
Obama's approval rating remains at a steady 65 percent while the highly publicized appointee controversies appear to be a yawner.
It is what it is
Gallup reports that 58% of Americans think the problems are "a normal part of the process of filling high-level government positions in any new administration."
Of those who have lost confidence in the president, Gallup says they're mostly Republicans anyway.
"Thus, a great number of those who claim to be affected in a negative way probably did not have a great deal of confidence in Obama to begin with," Gallup says.
The criticism he's received for appointing lobbyists in his administration despite his pledge not to? Not a problem.
"At least half of Americans think Obama has made progress so far on his promises to change the way Washington works (50%) and to limit the influence lobbyists have in his administration (53%)," the report reads.