Hey it's the president's birthday (wherever he was born)
OK. OK. It's not the Lou Dobbs show. We're not part of the birther movement...
President Obama turns 48 today. And to celebrate, the president is having lunch with a bunch of Democratic senators. Sound boring? Pshaw.... Come on, Tom Harkin might be there.
Where? We don't know. All we know is it won't be at Chuck E. Cheese. "[It] was booked," laughed White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs before getting pummeled at yesterday's press briefing.
They might want to head over to Z-Burger in Washington. To celebrate the president's big day, they're not only giving away free hamburgers and birthday cake over the lunch break but they're unveiling an "Obama burger" as well.
And we know how much you really appreciate it whenever we report that President Obama eats a hamburger.
What else is he going to do? Dunno. Gibbs hasn't said yet.
What about presents? Some in the media are suggesting gifts for the POTUS. Eric Yates at the San Diego News Network says it's time to toss the "frumpy" jeans.
"With all due respect, Mr. President, you might hate to shop, but I’m sure you can get someone in your administration to run out and get you a pair of proper fitting blues. Preferably, something darker and longer. I know that St. Louis sits right next to the Mississippi River, but it’s not quite flood season yet!"
Obama may have taken a shot at Nancy Reagan for her supposed dealings with the otherworld, but why not take all the good news you can get? Even it is astrologically-based.
The Daily Blabber over at iVillage says the planets are lining up.
With "a friendly, cooperative, harmonious tone to your interactions today," it's shaping up to be a lovely birthday for the leader of the free world. And as with any birthday, "social activities and being touch with friends are high on your list." A bit of birthday advice? Take a day for yourself, Mr. President. "Avoid heavy discussions and try not to focus on dry, practical matters. Simply sharing a pleasant time with someone you love is more in tune with your feelings today."
Hmm.... looks like Vice President Biden will stay home today then...
Obama got a gift a day early. So says the Washington Examiner's David Freddoso. He opines that yesterday's appearance by "birther" movement leader Orly Taitz was so awful (or as he puts it: "I feel confident is the worst television appearance I've ever seen") that it amounts to an early birthday present for the president.
Freddoso is correct. The interview was horrendous. Click here to see it.
How about 300 pounds of raw lamb meat for a gift? That's what his predecessor received from the president of Argentina back in 2003. President Truman, on the other hand, received a bowling alley for his birthday back in 1947. True story.
The guys over at MentalFloss.com have put together a pretty entertaining list of unique presents our U.S. presidents have received over the years.
In the meantime, Obama's staff is launching a rebuttal to a video that has been linked to from the powerful Drudge Report site. You can read more about that here.
Hey, we're happy to give you 300 pounds of raw lamb meat (if we can get it). So follow us on Twitter!