How Janet Napolitano knows she's made it: Matt Drudge dubs her 'Big Sis'
| Washington
There is little that is fun about Janet Napolitano’s job as secretary of Homeland Security. The $56 billion department she heads is charged with protecting America’s borders, controlling immigration, guarding the president, and dealing with disasters.
At least she has kept her sense of humor. At a Monitor-sponsored lunch with reporters Friday, Secretary Napolitano was asked how she felt now that Matt Drudge of the Web's Drudge Report has bestowed upon her the nickname “Big Sis.” "I am amused," she replied, with mock seriousness. "You know, I’ve made it. Drudge has a nickname for me.”
When Drudge uses Napolitano’s “Big Sis” moniker, it is sometimes accompanied by a picture of airport passenger screening equipment used by the Transportation Security Administration she oversees. The device in question allows TSA officers to peer under passengers’ clothes to try to detect any weapons.