Sen. Bob Corker 'disappointed' in US handling of Syrian humanitarian crisis
| Washington
Bob Corker (R) of Tennessee is the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He was the guest at the Feb. 27 Monitor Breakfast.
US response to Ukraine chaos:
"I continue to be concerned that we're going to see a replay of what we saw in Georgia [with Russian military intervention]."
The Obama administration's handling of the humanitarian crisis in Syria:
"Nothing of significance has really ever occurred.... I am very disappointed in the administration on Syria."
His efforts to thwart the United Auto Workers' attempt to unionize a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tenn.:
"I became very aware of what the UAW's interest was. It was not the company ... [and] it was not their employees; it was solely [the UAW's] survival."
The outlook for the tax reform plan unveiled by Republican House Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp:
"I see no way that it is going to be dealt with this year."
The White House outreach to key Republicans last summer:
"It was disappointing.... It broke down trust."
The impact of Senate Democrats' 2013 adoption of a rule requiring only a simple majority to confirm some nominations:
"The Senate has been on the verge of a death spiral now for several months, ever since November the 20th."