Casey Anthony resurfaces in her own video diary
So much for staying anonymous or hiding out to avoid death threats.
Casey Anthony reemerged in the national spotlight today with a 4.5 minute self-made video. Anthony describes it as her first "video diary." More of these (vapid) videos are coming?
"The Today Show" and "Good Morning America" both aired segments of the video today.
She doesn't appear to have an agenda or a script in the meandering monologue. She makes no mention of her daughter Caylee or the six-week trial in which Anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter. She says she will remain in her current hiding place until at least February.
Since her last public appearance in July 2011, Anthony has changed her appearance: She now has close-cropped, blond hair and wears glasses.
She doesn't say why she's reemerged. But since the trial, there has been speculation - but no confirmation - of a book or movie deal. In September, Anthony was ordered by a Florida judge to pay more than $97,000 to law enforcement agencies as compensation for their efforts to find the missing child.
The jury found Anthony not guilty of all major charges related to Caylee’s death. However, the panel convicted her on four counts of lying to investigators. She was sentenced to four years in jail, but was released based on time she had served in pre-trial detention and good behavior.
Could the video be the start of her fund-raising efforts to pay off her public debt?
"It's been a long time since I've been able to call something mine and now I have something even, you know, as silly as saying that I have a computer, and a camera and a phone…'' she says in the video.
Anthony says that she "actually now paid for my own computer. The camera was a gift. But these are things that are mine — that I don't have to — I don't know — that I don't have to give back."