- New Pentagon strategy recasts military in Obama's image
The new Pentagon strategy unveiled Thursday is aimed at trimming defense spending. But Obama took the opportunity to overhaul the military's priorities so they match his own.
- Obama plan to boost teen employment could be an uphill battle
The national unemployment rate has fallen to 8.6 percent, but the level of teen joblessness has remained high. So, on Thursday, President Obama encouraged the private sector to step up their hiring of young people.
- Mitt Romney aims to pull off an 'Iowa' in South Carolina
Mitt Romney isn't a natural fit for South Carolina Republicans, who, as in Iowa, skew more conservative and more evangelical than Republicans as a whole. But he may yet perform well there. Here's why.
- Recess appointee Richard Cordray ready to 'prove' worth of consumer bureau
Amid controversy over his recess appointment, Richard Cordray outlines next tasks for the watchdog Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The new CFPB director said Thursday businesses such as payday lenders will come under scrutiny.
- Leaner military, weaker military? Obama must tread tricky line.
The defense strategy released Thursday faces up to budget realities, but the Obama administration will have to balance the need for cuts against Pentagon warnings about undermining security.
- Romney, Santorum bash Obama recess appointment. Why that could backfire.
The Obama administration argues that the recess appointment is necessary so the CFPB can perform its duties despite Republican obstructionism. Republicans may challenge the president in court.
- Pennsylvania 'castle doctrine' protects man who shot his romantic rival
No charges were filed against a Pennsylvania man who shot his wife's lover with a bow and arrow.
- Jon Huntsman looks to pull a 'Rick Santorum' in New Hampshire
Jon Huntsman has made numerous appearances in New Hampshire, but local political observers are skeptical about whether he can connect with a sufficient range of voters in Tuesday's primary.
- Oklahoma mom kills home invader: Why the law was on her side
Sarah McKinley, an Oklahoma mom who shot and killed a knife-wielding intruder, was cleared of any wrongdoing by prosecutors on Thursday – vindication of the 'castle doctrine,' proponents say.
- Newt Gingrich biggest geek in GOP primary race, says Scientific American
Newt Gingrich – also known as 'Newt Skywalker' – topped the Scientific American ranking of six GOP candidates. Ron Paul came in third.
- Five big moments in New Hampshire primary history The Granite State's first-in-the nation primary has been a launching pad for many a presidential hopeful – but not always. The following are among the most interesting outcomes.Sources: Political Research Quarterly,, New Hampshire Almanac
- Casey Anthony resurfaces in her own video diary
Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her daughter, is back in the public eye with a new look and a new video.
- Mitt Romney's next big test isn't N.H. or S.C., it's Florida
Mitt Romney has to do well in New Hampshire and South Carolina. But Florida could make Romney the defacto GOP 2012 nominee.
- Santorum challenges Romney despite minimal budget, staff
Rick Santorum nearly tied with Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucus, Tuesday, but can Santorum compete with Romney without a massive budget? The latest figures showed Santorum had less than $200,000 in his campaign account while Romney had $14.7 million.
- Did $98.5 billion high-speed rail project just hit a wall in California?
An independent review panel says the plan for a high-speed rail corridor linking northern and southern California poses 'an immense financial risk' to the state and should not move forward.
- Iowa caucus results: Where does Ron Paul go from here?
To hear the Ron Paul people tell it, the Iowa caucus results show that their guy is now the chief alternative to Mitt Romney. But Mr. Paul is still running behind Newt Gingrich in national polls.
- The scold in Mother Nature's cold: It's winter! Wear a coat!
Temperatures plummeted up and down Eastern US, making it feel, at last, like winter. But this brush with Arctic cold won't last long at all.
- Arab League signals mounting frustration with Syria
The Arab League will hold an emergency meeting Saturday to decide whether to pull its monitors from Syria amid continued violence. If the Arab League recalls its monitors, international pressure on Syria would mount.
- Rick Santorum: Will Iowa 'rocket boost' propel him in New Hampshire?
For Rick Santorum, a near-tie with Mitt Romney in Iowa shows strength among evangelical conservatives. But New Hampshire is different, and Santorum has just six days to make his mark.
- Thirty ideas from people under 30: The Politicians They are explorers and activists, artists and educators, farmers and faith leaders – even mayors. And they have trenchant suggestions on how to improve the world.